More than three months ago Cyclone Pam hit the islands of Vanuatu. Sister Avelina, who is in charge of a hostel for young women in Port Vila wrote to tell us about the destruction. (See April 15th below). Now she has sent some photos and an update on the situation.
Sister Avelina recently wrote from Port Vila: “…The sad part is that Port Vila has no forest or wood to build with - everything has to be imported. Just this morning the lady who works here with me told me she went to see her family yesterday for Mothers Day. She told me that it was very hot because two of the families she visited are still under tents. That is the common situation here in Port Vila unless you have a rich godfather who can help you, - but even then the cost is mighty high since everything has to come from overseas.
From where we are we can see the roof of the Cathedral is still not finished…Life is back to normal in many ways, but for those who cannot have a proper house, they just have to live in tents for a while.
I also went to the island of Tanna and there, you see the same kind of thing but it was worse there. Where our sisters are is in the “bush” of Tanna. Their small house was intact after the cyclone and all the debris just flew around them and above them without anything touching their house. It would have been really devastating if things had happened otherwise.”
If you are able to make a donation so that the Sisters will be able to help their students and others to recover from this cyclone, please go to our DONATE page and look for Vanuatu. Thank you for your prayers and generosity.