News from the Guadalupe Skills Training Center in Jamaica

The word “pandemic” sounds familiar to each one of us. Although one may experience this situation differently, words like “lock-down”, “wearing masks”, “social distancing” and “vaccines” have become part of our daily lives. In following the Government protocols here in Jamaica, we were only able to start in February this year to finish off a group from last year that was stopped by the coronavirus lock-down. They finally graduated in March 2021. Then a new group of students began in mid-April until the end of July. They were students for Home Nursing & Care-giving and Home Furnishing & Decoration.

Sr. Mele Senitila Latu, who is the newest member at the Centre, gave witness about ‘Welcoming the Unexpected’. She wrote: “It has been almost six months since I landed here in the beautiful island of Jamaica. Once I set foot here, I was isolated for two weeks of quarantine in Montego Bay. I came back to Kingston straight after to start working on my Work Permit Exemption. While doing that and taking time for adjustment to this new place and mission, I learnt that there was a need for a teacher for the Home Furnishing and Decoration course at our Guadalupe Munro Skills Training Centre. I volunteered myself although I am not a professional seamstress.

Sr. Senitila Latu and some of the product made by the students.

Never would I have thought that one day I would teach other people how to sew! For me this experience of teaching Home Furnishing and Decoration is really a ‘Welcoming of the Unexpected’. Nevertheless, it has been a great experience of my first six months here in Jamaica. I am looking forward to use whatever gifts I have to help out at our Centre and the people of Jamaica.”


Our 8th graduation since we opened in 2017 was particularly memorable for me in that the two groups of students, namely the “Home Furnishing and Decorating” together with the “Home Nursing & Caregiving” were particularly very close to me.

 We went through some rough times with them, e.g. a student was isolated for Covid-19 and so the whole school was; the struggles for school fees; but in all of this they were very friendly and loving individuals. One day I admired Deonne’s handbag and without hesitation she said, “Would you like it, Sister?” She was ready to give it to me. Two days later I saw the same handbag with another student who admired it.

 The graduation was simple but joyful. Their one item was performed with so much energy and joy.  There were gifts given to all the staff members, some of which were made by themselves, and others were bought. I was touched by what they expressed in their words of appreciation for what they have received during their time here at the Guadalupe Munro Skills Training Centre and so was I: my last and my best.  God bless you all and may you continue to be a place where all are welcome with love and respect. 

 Sr. Teresia Tinanisolo, smsm

Sister Teresia Tinanisolo SMSM from Fiji has administered this Centre since its beginnings, six years ago.

Sister Teresia Tinanisolo SMSM from Fiji has administered this Centre since its beginnings, six years ago.

On August 26th, 2021, Sister Teresia “passed the torch” (candle) of administration of the Guadalupe Center to Sr Senitila during a simple prayer service.  May  you both be blessed for all that has been, and for all that will be!

On August 26th, 2021, Sister Teresia “passed the torch” (candle) of administration of the Guadalupe Center to Sr Senitila during a simple prayer service. May you both be blessed for all that has been, and for all that will be!