On 1st of March, we embarked our journey on “discernment” with Sr. Mary Jane Kenney guiding us into the process of discernment.   The morning went well with the theme of “the discipline of Communal Discernment”, and the second part of the afternoon with “Contemplative Engagement”.  These themes helped the group to gradually immerse in the Spirit that is quietly active in everyone. If this the feeling of being in the upper room with Mary filled with the Spirit of God? Then it is wonderful and contagious.

We concluded our sessions and we gathered together at Our Lady of Dunsinane’s Chapel at 4.30pm, to celebrate the Eucharist to mark the Opening of our Regional Chapter. The Eucharistic celebration was officiated by the Bishop of Mandeville Diocese, John Persaud. 

With our Chapter theme: “Walking together on mission with Mary”, Sr. Senitila Latu on behalf of Sr. Helen Muller and the Council, welcomed Bishop, Sr. Euphrasie Mukamana and the delegates to the celebration.  Then she took a moment to recall with gratitude and thanksgiving for the lives of the sisters of our Region who walked together this same path of mission and have left their footprints for us to continue walking with the same daring and zeal as they did.

Bishop took us to a profound level of discernment inviting us all to discern God’s will as we need to read the signs of the times.  Reminding us to listen deeply to the Spirit, and listen to one another deeply. As we walk together in faith, let us be open to the urgings of the Spirit, as we discern together what God is asking of us now.

 After the homily, Sr. Helen Muller proceeded with the Roll-call of Delegates for the Chapter.                       

Sr. Monica Mo’a introduced the meaning of the two symbols presented by the capitulants for the offertory. Candles and clay pots for each country, a simple of Christ’s light and a reminder that we are signs of light and salt for our broken world.  Furthermore, the clay that shaped and moulded by the potter before being baked and refined in the fire until its hard and firm, is a reminder that we are, a temporary holding place for spiritual treasures, and we carry our mission activities, our dreams and aspirations in clay vessels.

We concluded the celebration with a joyful spirit and we sang and greet each other with the sign of peace. Lord, we offer ourselves into your hands and may You renew in us the passion and the courage to walk together in faith and in love for your mission.