Our Story

A group photo with Pope Francis at the Vatican during our General Chapter 2023 in Rome, Italy.

The Missionary Sisters of the Society of Mary are a religious congregation of women within the Catholic Church who are consecrated to God by the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience and who devote our lives to the service of the mission of Christ, in the spirit of Mary, throughout the world.

 We began with 11 French women who traveled to the Pacific Islands between 1845 and 1860 to serve in the missions begun by the Marist Fathers.  The Sisters lived close to the people, teaching and nursing, and followed a way of life based on the rule and spirit of the Marist Fathers.  Some women from the islands joined our number, and later women from other countries in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and North America began to join. After many years these Sisters, scattered as they were throughout the Islands, became organized into one religious congregation. Our congregation and our Constitutions were approved by Rome on December 30,1931.

Our early Sisters…

 Gradually our mission extended beyond the Pacific Islands to many other countries. New members began to come from Asia, Africa, South America and the Caribbean. We are still a small congregation, with less than 400 members, but we are present today in 23 different countries in Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas, as well as in the Pacific.

Our early Sisters…

Some of our Sisters with some other members of the Marist family…

The Sisters at 62 Newton St. community visited Sr. Rosemarie Mailhot at Maristhill Nursing Home during the Pandemic.

A group photo from the Gathering of the Marist Family in the US in 2016.

A group photo from the Regional Chapter of the Americas - 2023 was held in Mandeville

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for us!

For further information about our history, spirituality and world-wide mission, visit our international website, based in Rome at www.smsmsisters.org and for Sr. Cristina Giustozzi, our CongregationAL Leader - scristinasmsm@gmail.com

Generalate…L-R: Sisters Aubierge Amoussou from Benin, Cristina Giustozzi (Congregational Leader) from Italy, Denise McMahon from Australia, and Pelenatita Kieoma Finau from Tonga. Walking together on Mission with Mary.

For information about the mission in a particular place, contact the following addresses:

THE AMERICAS - Jamaica, Peru, United States of America
Regional - Sister Helen Muller, smsm
Email: helensmsm@maristsmsm.org

Sr. Helen Muller and Council (2023-2025); Sisters Mary Jane Kenney, Senitila Latu and Monica Mo’a.

AFRICA-EUROPE - Burundi, England, France, Italy, Madagascar, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania
Regional - Sister Athanasie Hakizuwambasa, smsm
Email: afriqueuropesmsm@gmail.com

Sr. Athanasie Hakizuwambasa (Regional) and Council (2023-2025), Sisters Marisa Bessachi, Helene Diouf and Lena Tine.

ASIA-PACIFIC - Australia, Bangladesh, New Caledonia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu
Regional - Sister Margaret Ryan, smsm
Email: smsmasiepacific@gmail.com

Sister Margaret Ryan (Regional) and Council (2023-2025), Srs. Teresa Waine, Jennifer Laku and Lusia Meanadrau.

OCEANIA- Fiji, New Zealand, Samoa, Tonga, Wallis and Futuna
Regional - Sister Malia Nive Kepu, smsm
Email: smsmoceania@gmail.com

Sr. Malia Nive Kepu (Regional) and Council (2023-2025), Srs. Teresia Bimara, Patricia Leamy and Pelenatete Peni.

A group photo from the Elder Care meeting - 2019 was held in Waltham, MA, USA.

Regional Council with the Sisters in Peru gathered in February 2025 for their Annual Assembly.